The latest from Amalia Cascina in Langa / Vinitaly 2017

Vinitaly 2017

The terroir of Barolo di Monforte d’Alba affirms itself in a new cru wine: Bussia vintage 2013

The Boffa family is going through a very important moment for the expansion of their estate in Monforte d’Alba, Amalia Cascina in Langa.
All their wines are made exclusively with grapes from the estate’s vineyards and the family is well-aware of their enormous value. Harvest after harvest, they have expanded their experience and perfected their ability to interpret the land and land and experience are the two factors that unite the estate’s wines with the most authentic Barolo di Monforte d’Alba tradition.

With the Nebbiolo from their vineyards, the Boffa family has demonstrated how they have mastered the art of producing Barolo, above all when they make a cru wine like Le Coste di Monforte. Vintage 2011 of this wine was deemed one of the best tasted for the Guida Oro I Vini di Veronelli (The Wines of Veronelli the Golden Guide) 2017 and was one of the very few wines to be awarded a Doppia Corona (Double Crown) in the 2017 guide Vini Buoni d’Italia (Best Italian Wines), while tasters for the Gambero Rosso 2017 guide singled the wine out as evidence of the excellent level of quality the estate has achieved.

Vinitaly will not only offer an opportunity to taste vintage 2012 of both Barolo Le Coste di Monforte and Barolo Amalia but also to discover what has been “brewing” in the winery: their new Barolo di Monforte d’Alba cru Barolo Bussia 2013.

The estate will be present at Vinitaly at:

Pavilion 10 Collettiva Piemonte Isola 13 Station N° 8

The wines offered for tasting will be: Langhe Rossese Bianco 2015, Dolcetto d’Alba 2016, Langhe Nebbiolo 2016, Barolo 2012, Barolo Le Coste di Monforte 2012 and Barolo Bussia 2013.

There will also be a preview of Barolo Bussia 2013 at the “Piemonte” tasting conducted during the Doctor Wine (aka Danielle Cernilli): “Seminars 2017” on Monday April 10 at 4:30pm at Pavilion 10 Stand A4/B4.

La lista dei vini in assaggio al Vinitaly 2017 per Amalia Cascina in Langa / The wine list for tasting at Vinitaly 2017 for Amalia Cascina in Langa
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Giornalista, Sommelier, ha lavorato al Gambero Rosso per oltre 10 anni come giornalista, degustatrice per la Guida ai Vini d’Italia, autore e regista dei servizi televisivi per il Gambero Rosso Channel, autore di libri su vino, cucina e turismo. Ha partecipato al progetto di rilancio del brand Franciacorta e nel 2006 ha fondato Vinotype, un’agenzia di comunicazione specializzata per le Aziende vitivinicole. Nel 2010 ha lanciato il magazine on line

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