Novelty abounds at Amalia Cascina in Langa

We are going through troubled times but these are also times to reflect and that is what Amalia Cascina in Langa has done. It has worked to strengthen its concept of belonging and tighten the bond with the tradition of its territory.

Vigneto Fantini di Amalia Cascina in Langa

The first novelty concerns the label on its Barolo Bussia 2018. In addition to the current mention of MGA Bussia, it has now included the vineyard of origin: the “Vigneto Fantini”. This inclusion, strongly wanted by the Boffa family, owner of Amalia Cascina in Langa is due to
the fact that the Bussia of Monforte d’Alba, although being one of the most renowned crus in the history of Barolo zone, it is also one of the largest, with about three hundred hectares of vineyards distributed on soils of various types and with different exposures.

The parcel of the prestigious Fantini vineyard that belongs to the Boffa family is about one hectare in size that sits firmly on the renowned Diano sandstone. Its exposure is to the south, south west, and is at an altitude of 450 meters above sea level. The particular mix of characteristics of the Fantini vineyard means that it can be typically warm enough to suggest fairly early harvest periods, but the altitude of the vineyard and exposure to the wind make the vineyard quite a late ripener. A vineyard, therefore, that produces a wine that is well distinguishable from the other wines coming from the Bussia cru. A difference that the estate wants to clearly make identifiable, even if it is stated on the label.

The second novelty is what is coming from inside the bottle. This time we are talking about both the Barolo Cru it produces: Barolo Le Coste di Monforte 2018 and Barolo Bussia “Vigneto Fantini “2018. The estate officially presents the result of a change of direction in the cellar whereas both wines have reached a greater balance with the choice to
embrace the “big barrel” style. A choice made without any mediation.
This process of evolution comes from a deeper awareness and
understanding to identify specific characteristics of the Barolo it
produces. A change that begins with the 2018 vintage. A vintage with agreater index of difficulty due to the high rainfall early in the season as compared to the previous 10 years. This has produced wines with a thinner structure but at the same time highlighted the characteristics of elegance, readiness and approachability of which
these wines are capable of expressing.

And last but not least, is the third novelty. Starting with the new vintages that will soon be released to the market: the Dolcetto 2021, Langhe Nebbiolo 2021, Barbera D’alba 2021, Rossese Bianco 2021, Barolo Le Coste Di Monforte 2018 and Barolo Bussia Vigneto Fantini 2018. These wines are no longer bottled in the estate’s historically recognizable “Bordeaux style bottle” but will now be identifiable with the “Albeisa” bottle that were first in use in the ‘700 and relaunched at the end of the 1990s, which has become an icon and symbol of the Langhe.

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Giornalista, Sommelier, ha lavorato al Gambero Rosso per oltre 10 anni come giornalista, degustatrice per la Guida ai Vini d’Italia, autore e regista dei servizi televisivi per il Gambero Rosso Channel, autore di libri su vino, cucina e turismo. Ha partecipato al progetto di rilancio del brand Franciacorta e nel 2006 ha fondato Vinotype, un’agenzia di comunicazione specializzata per le Aziende vitivinicole. Nel 2010 ha lanciato il magazine on line

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